What's This Blog About?

Pacific Grove is nearly an island - it is in the minds of people who live here - "surrounded" on two sides by the blue cold ocean. In a town that's half water and half land, we're in a specific groove where we love nature but also love to leave and see what the rest of the world is doing. Welcome along!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Gone Missing

How odd.  The laundry is all clean again, but there are five socks without  partners.  The hampers are empty, the floor is picked up.  He and I wore two socks apiece, each day, one pair at a time every day, but now there are three white socks and two dark ones that don't match anything else.

It makes me think other things could be going missing that I may not be noticing.  And Halloween is coming, you know.

I started thinking of this about 15 minutes ago when I was folding the laundry and putting things away.  As I thought about it, a sudden wind sprang up outside and all the windchimes started thrashing around and, well, chiming.  Pretty spooky.  I guess, though, on a scale of 1 to 10, it's about a 2 or so.  But, could it mean something?

The unexpected things that happen without warning seem a little creepy this time of year, a mood prompted by neighbors who have strung fake spider webs in massive quantities in their yards and by all the pumpkins showing up everywhere.  I mean, where do those darned pumpkins come from anyway?

Weird things happen, like lightbulbs that pop suddenly right overhead, a bottle that falls off a shelf in the bathroom, a pile of magazines that gives way and slides to the floor.  No warning, just goes.  Makes you want to, you know, DO something.

I'm not a person given to wild screaming and panic.  No, I'm the opposite.  Dead calm, like the albatross around the Ancient Mariner's neck.  Or something.  If I get a little on edge, you can imagine that truly nervous people would be vaulting into total bug-eyed hysteria.  My approach is:  Admire their energy, which is really something to see, and then settle down with a good book.

A few missing socks do not seem like cause for panic, and yet it does give one a sense of unease.  It is perplexing, you know, to have an ever-increasing supply of singletons no matter how careful you are about your laundry routine.  I'm going to chalk it up to a little spirit, a trickster having some fun.  I'll leave the screaming and panic for times when I might need them.  Like if suddenly the socks' partners appear.

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