What's This Blog About?

Pacific Grove is nearly an island - it is in the minds of people who live here - "surrounded" on two sides by the blue cold ocean. In a town that's half water and half land, we're in a specific groove where we love nature but also love to leave and see what the rest of the world is doing. Welcome along!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Theory at the End of the Day: KISS

What has fallen by the wayside that once captured your imagination?  What have you given up on that once stirred you and gave you inspiration?  What were you good at and knew it, but set aside?

Personally, my thumbnail theory says you pretty much know who you are when you're about seven years old.  After that, you become a more complex version of that original child.  Part of that theory says that older people are not necessarily wiser than young people - some are - just because they make things complicated and stern.

The things I was interested in back then, I am still taken by even now:  Visual details, beautiful water, speed, good flavors, talent, a mysterious story.

The key to life?  Keep things simple, appreciate good health and look for love.  In a nutshell, Keep It Simple, Sweetie.

1 comment:

Mark Stromberg said...

Hi Christine. This is so true....walk in beauty..