What's This Blog About?

Pacific Grove is nearly an island - it is in the minds of people who live here - "surrounded" on two sides by the blue cold ocean. In a town that's half water and half land, we're in a specific groove where we love nature but also love to leave and see what the rest of the world is doing. Welcome along!

Friday, July 30, 2010

One Big Wish

I think it's about time I had super powers.  
You may reach a point in life where the things you've always done get a little predictable.  You can tell where the zippers are on the monsters in the movies, or the drummer you've been marching to has not turned out to be so different after all.  You had some good ideas for a while, then got sidetracked, stumbled, and now sit wondering why you're always choosing between gray, mauve and manilla.  Where did the bright ideas go?  
Happens to the best of us.  My ultimate wish is to shake a few good ideas loose and set them free, let them run wild in the universe.  And, just because it sounds so fun, I'd be able to zap them into reality.  Why not.  At this juncture, caring about propriety and conforming to normalcy just does not have the appeal it once did.  
So, I'm thinking a magic wand would be pretty darned cool. You know, bright blue with lots of rhinestones, and it would make a loud crazy noise when I'd wave it.  Time to throw off some cobwebs, shake things up, get back to whatever it is that really sets your hair on fire.  With a magic wand I'd seek out unrestricted ideas, great dreams, and just zap the snarf out of them, make them come true.  
Do you deserve to experience your wildest dreams? Of course! Pow!  There you go, exactly what you've been hoping for all this time, finally, at last, once and for all.  No more fooling around with compromise.  Cool, huh?  
I'm thinking about one no-restrictions zap per person at random, now and again, then just sit back and watch the action unfold.  Even simply imagining being able to have the power to wave my wand and  change everything in an instant makes me feel pretty amazingly good.  Of course I need a really good superpower suit to wear.  I'm going to add flying to my repertoire, too.  I'd like that.  Fly around a little, zap, snap, and there you go, thank you very much.  Next!
The trick is to be that person whom I'd hear making a grand wish.  I know a lot of people kinda sorta wish for little things sometimes, but when push comes to shove, I'd bet not that many of us have really fully visualized in every way what it is they most wish for.  We feel defeated, disorganized, embarassed, and pessimistic.  All those things prevent our imaginations from calling up the thrill that resides within our hearts, and we just sit there and complain and get ugly inside. Then the paint peels off the wall, the flies all die on the windowsill and the neighbor backs out of his driveway and hits our car.  
Meanwhile, I am shopping for a magic wand and looking for a way to grant one giant wonderful wish to someone with a vivid, excited imagination.  Those are the people who make our world change, create possibility, who soar without restrictions.  Those are my kinda people.  The search is on...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could do something about the fog! Just zap it away down to Barstow! Wouldn't THAT be great!