What's This Blog About?

Pacific Grove is nearly an island - it is in the minds of people who live here - "surrounded" on two sides by the blue cold ocean. In a town that's half water and half land, we're in a specific groove where we love nature but also love to leave and see what the rest of the world is doing. Welcome along!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Hawaii is my Groove This Week

I flew the Groove today and ended up in Honolulu, which is pretty far out of my usual groove, wouldn't you say?  The day started out early from the airport.  I was squished into a seat the size of a hamster cage and was further compressed courtesy of the seated passenger in front of me who reclined her seat all the way back into my lap.  I think she wanted me to give her a neck massage.

Seated next to me was an older gentleman, apparently from India, who never spoke a word but was murmuring in his native language with the young family across the aisle from him.  They were a young Indian couple with a small boy, probably age 2, who was in constant wiggle mode.  The parents did as good a job containing him, but he was 2 and he wanted to get loose and go.  He squealed, screeched and tried to get away, but -- credit to the parents -- they kept him distracted and occupied as well as can be expected of any parents in a confined space for five hours.  I've seen and heard lots more obnoxious and upset kids on flights before, so it wasn't that horrible.

The irony was that the airline was featuring the movie Where The Wild Things Are.  The boy was a handful for his mom right up to the moment when the movie began and then dropped off to deep and peaceful sleep.  Last I looked, his mom was sitting with a glazed stare, watching the screen as the boy sprawled across her lap, head resting on her crooked elbow.  He looked like an innocent angel.

Hawaii caresses you from the moment you first meet her.  So it was today:  Soft warm air, flowers, pretty girls and guys with surfboards carried on scooters zooming around town.  The lifestyle here is busy but still slower and definitely easy going.  People wave you in from merge lanes on the freeway and drive more slowly.  Compared to almost everywhere else I've driven a car, Hawaii is easy and nearly fun.

After I picked up by my rental car (Mini Cooper convertible - my splurge on this trip) and went over to Kapiolani park, the large urban greenspace at the base of Diamond Head that offers mellow views of Waikiki and the mountains beyond.  I ate, chatted with strangers who seemed friendly and interesting, watched tiny waves lapping the shore and planned out my coming week.  Nice start so far.  Vacation time, and still in the groove.

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