What's This Blog About?

Pacific Grove is nearly an island - it is in the minds of people who live here - "surrounded" on two sides by the blue cold ocean. In a town that's half water and half land, we're in a specific groove where we love nature but also love to leave and see what the rest of the world is doing. Welcome along!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Contrast of Countries

Yahoo America!  Time to watch the Super Bowl!  And all those wacky commercials! "Spots" run during the game are the most expensive of all TV ads, costing millions of dollars per minute.  Seems to me there was no shortage of takers bellying up to the window to pay the man.  Talking babies, screaming chickens, green police, and the arm-punching game (for naming a color of a new VW car - Passat?), and crazed Dorito nerds populated the commercials.  Cha-ching! 

Many thousands of screaming Americans were paying hundreds of dollars, thousands probably, to attend the Super Bowl, and millions more watched from their living rooms, noshing on chips, drinks, snacks, who knows what.  It's fun, it's exciting, but oh my does it present a horribly ugly contrast to poverty-stricken and death-benumbed Haiti, a geographically close neighbor of ours.   I don't think there is any more magnificently incomprehensible picture of the luck of birth than represents itself in the comparison of the USA and Haiti, especially on Super Bowl Sunday.  And I'll bet people everywhere in our country complained about their food today, the temperature of their homes, the inconvenience of waiting for someone else to get out of the way at the supermarket. 

Next time you start to whine about something messing up your American life in some way, just stop.  Then, donate to the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders or a bona fide relief group.  You'll either stop complaining or you'll help out; I hope you do both.  I have.  Go Saints!  (they won)

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